Arrow Functions Lexical 'this' Scoping in JavaScript

One feature of ES2015 that I feel can be a stumbling block (but is extremely useful) is Arrow Functions’ lexical scoping of this. Before this addition, every new function defined its own this, meaning we were required to explicitly bind or locally store the this reference that we desired in many use cases. The two techniques used to overcome this problem are highlighted below, using a locally stored this reference or a bound function.

function Counter() {
  var _this = this;
  _this.counter = 0; = function () {
function Counter() {
  this.counter = 0; = function () {

The contrived example usage below shows passing the counter’s inc method to a higher-order function and asserting the desired this behaviour.

var c = new Counter();

setInterval(, 1000);
setInterval(function () {
}, 1500);
// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

With the introduction of Arrow Functions, the this value is instead captured based on the enclosing context, resulting in more readable code.

function Counter() {
  this.counter = 0; = () => {