Generating Podcast Stats in PHP
In the 100th episode of Three Devs and a Maybe, I decided to generate some stats relating to the previous 99 episodes and formed a small quiz out of these findings. All information relating to each podcast is stored in separate Markdown files within YAML front-matter, which makes it easy to extract and process. I thought it would be interesting to go over the code I used to achieve this.
Parsing the YAML front-matter
The first task is to parse each podcast’s front-matter into a format that can be processed in PHP.
$podcasts = array_reduce(scandir(POSTS_DIR), function ($meta, $fileName) {
if (strpos($fileName, '.') === 0) {
return $meta;
if (!preg_match_all('/^([a-z]+):\s+([^\n]+)/m', file_get_contents(POSTS_DIR . '/' . $fileName), $match)) {
return $meta;
return array_merge($meta, [array_combine($match[1], $match[2])]);
}, []);
Stats, stats, stats
With the podcast metadata now in a format we can process, we can generate some statistics.
// Total size
array_sum(array_column($podcasts, 'size'));
// Total duration
array_sum(array_column($podcasts, 'duration'));
// Average duration
round(array_sum(array_column($podcasts, 'duration')) / count($podcasts));
// Release day rankings
$days = array_count_values(
function ($meta) { return date_create($meta['date'])->format('D'); },
implode(', ', array_map(function ($day, $total) { return "$day ($total)"; }, array_keys($days), $days));
// Release month rankings
$months = array_count_values(
function ($meta) { return date_create($meta['date'])->format('M'); },
implode(', ', array_map(function ($month, $total) { return "$month ($total)"; }, array_keys($months), $months));
// Most frequent title words
$words = array_count_values(
array_reduce($podcasts, function ($words, $m) {
$t = trim(preg_replace('/[^a-z\s]/i', '', strtolower($m['title'])));
return array_merge($words, explode(' ', $t));
}, [])
implode(', ', array_keys(array_slice($words, 0, 10)));