Edd Mann Developer

Implementing a Compound Set in TypeScript

Since being introduced to Advent of Code, one feature missing from JavaScript that I have seen available in other languages (such as Python and Clojure) are Sets which hande Compound data-types. So as to focus each puzzle solution on the problem at hand and not re-invent the wheel I decided to implement a CompoundSet data-structure which would fill this void.

Advent of Code 2015 - Day 1 - Not Quite Lisp

This past Decemeber a fellow colleague introduced us to Advent of Code. What initially started out as completing each daily 2020 puzzle in my own time soon turned into a daily obession, and in-turn an incredible learning experience shared amongst the team.

Having completed the 2020 calendar at the end of last year, over the past couple of weeks we have began working through the previous calendars. Over the coming months I hope to record each of my solutions, with the goal of completing all the previous puzzles just-in-time for the 2021 calendar to commence.