Sometimes you may begin work on a specific branch (say ‘master’) and realise that it would be better off to move these commits into a separate branch.
This can be simply achieved using Git, either to a brand new branch or an existing branch.
An array (vector) is a common-place data type, used to hold and describe a collection of elements.
These elements can be fetched at runtime by one or more indices (identifying keys).
A distinguishing feature of an array compared to a list is that they allow for constant-time random access lookup, compared to the latters sequential access.
Resizable arrays allow for an unspecified upper-bound of collection elements at runtime, and are conceptuality similar to a list.
When recording our podcast there is nothing more annoying than playing it back only to find hearing yourself banging away on the keyboard when someone else is speaking.
Within Skype there is functionality to mute your microphone input device during an active call, however, the location and size of the button can be a challenge to find throughout a full podcast recording.
When you are managing multiple servers on a daily basis it pays off to invest some time in picking up a few techniques to get jobs finished quicker.
Below are a couple of the commands I use frequently when handling files and directories via SSH and SCP.
Since adding the functionality to process syntax highlighting through Pygments I had been on the look out for similar external tools I could integrate.
One area that I felt was lacking in my posts was accompanying visual aids, which would be useful when explaining a new concept or algorithm.
Like most developers I feel at home in an editor, so delving into another software package did not appeal to me.