Accessors (Getter/Setter) and Singleton Traits in PHP

Traits were introduced into the PHP language in 5.4, and from this point many interesting use-cases have appeared. One such instance is the reduction in boilerplate code when prototyping a new idea. Though these should be implemented within the project before completion, I have found that using the two traits below helps to speed up the development life-cycle.

Accessors (Getter/Setter)

With encapsulation being an incredibly important aspect of object-oriented programming, accessors and mutator methods provide the user with an interface to interact with a class instance in a controlled manner. However, during the early stages of development, creating these methods can be very cumbersome and time-consuming. Sure, you can let your IDE do all the boilerplate insertion, or maybe we should all move to a language such as C# which has great syntactic sugar for these properties. The trait below, however, dynamically sets and gets instance properties based on the common method naming pattern. For example, setFirstName will set the firstName property, whereas getFirstName will return the instance’s value.

trait Accessors {

    public function __call($method, $args)
        if ( ! preg_match('/(?P<accessor>set|get)(?P<property>[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)/', $method, $match) ||
             ! property_exists(__CLASS__, $match['property'] = lcfirst($match['property']))
        ) {
            throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf(
                "'%s' does not exist in '%s'.", $method, get_class(__CLASS__)

        switch ($match['accessor']) {
            case 'get':
                return $this->{$match['property']};
            case 'set':
                if ( ! $args) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("'%s' requires an argument value.", $method));
                $this->{$match['property']} = $args[0];
                return $this;


Looking at the code above, you will notice that we use PHP’s __call magic method to determine if the user’s invoked method is of interest to us. To maintain control of this trait’s magic, the call only looks for properties that exist within the class that the trait has been used in. However, you are able to replace __CLASS__ with $this to provide the entire class’s properties with these capabilities, but I found this restriction beneficial when refactoring the code-base. Below is an example use-case for including this trait.

class User {
    use Accessors;
    private $name, $age;

$user = new User();
$user->setName('Joe Bloggs');

sprintf("Name: %s, Age: %s\n", $user->getName(), $user->getAge()); // Name: Joe Bloggs, Age: 24


Another trait that I have found very useful in the initial stages of development is for implementing the Singleton pattern. Below is an example implementation which, on the first getInstance invocation, creates a class instance with the provided arguments.

trait Singleton {

    protected static $instance;

    final public static function getInstance()
        if ( ! isset(self::$instance)) {
            $class = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
            self::$instance = $class->newInstanceArgs(func_get_args());

        return self::$instance;

    final private function __clone() { }

    final private function __wakeup() { }


The code snippet above uses PHP’s ReflectionClass to enable classes that incorporate it to still define a unique constructor method. Below is an example that highlights the trait in action.

class Logger {
    use Singleton;

    private $init;

    public function __construct($init)
        $this->init = $init;

    public function getInitTime()
        return $this->init;


$logger = Logger::getInstance(time());

$logger->getInitTime(); // 1390901816