Advent of Code 2015 - Day 13 - Knights of the Dinner Table

On the thirteenth day of Advent of Code 2015, we are tasked with finding the optimal seating arrangement for our family holiday feast.

Part 1

We are provided with a listing of all our family members and their relationships with each other. These relationships come in the form of a happiness score, which can be either positive or negative. We are tasked with determining the happiness total of the optimal seating arrangement.

My initial reaction to this problem is that it shows a great similarity to Day 9. Like before, we initially begin by parsing the provided input into a form we can use.

type FamilyMember = string;
type Neighbours = string;
type Happiness = number;
type Relationships = {
  family: Set<FamilyMember>;
  relationships: Map<Neighbours, Happiness>;

const parseFamilyRelationships = (input: string): Relationships =>
    ({ family, relationships }, line) => {
      const [, member, feeling, score, nextTo] = line.match(
        /(\w+) .+ (.+) (\d+) .+ (\w+)/
      return {
        family: family.add(member),
        relationships: relationships.set(
          feeling === 'gain' ? +score : -score
      family: new Set<FamilyMember>(),
      relationships: new Map<Neighbours, Happiness>(),

Like in Day 9, we reduce over the listing, building up both a set of all the family members and a map of the relationship happiness scores. Unlike the previous day, I have decided to opt for a single-level map, which provides the associations in the form of Neighbours strings. As an aside, I’ve really enjoyed being able to map the problem domain into types from which I can construct the behaviour. I find great value in being able to type-alias primitives such as numbers and strings to the domain language.

With the input now parsed, we can move on to calculating the seating happiness scores. The input listing is not that large, so again, we can use the permutations function we implemented in Day 9 to iterate over every possible seating arrangement. For each given arrangement, we then calculate its total happiness score.

const calcSeatingHappiness = ({
}: Relationships): Happiness[] =>
  [...permutations([])].map(a =>
    zip(a, [...a.slice(1), a[0]]).reduce(
      (score, [a, b]) =>
        score +
        relationships.get(`${a},${b}`) +

Instead of piggy-backing on the reduction to include the previous family member (like we did in Day 9), I decided to implement a zip function that returns a tuple of each seat’s neighbours (gracefully handling the circular nature of the table). These neighbouring tuples are then reduced over to produce the total happiness score for that given arrangement.

const zip = <A, B>(a: A[], b: B[]): [A, B][] =>, idx) => [x, b[idx]]);

Whilst solving this problem, I encountered an issue when using JavaScript’s Math.max and the size of the possible arrangement happiness scores. Due to the nature in which Math.max (and Math.min) uses a multi-arity argument approach to supplying input, there is a finite amount of arguments that it can take before exceeding the call-stack limit. For this problem, I encountered this issue and was required to implement an alternative approach.

const max = (xs: number[]) =>
  xs.reduce((m, x) => (x > m ? x : m), -Infinity);

With this custom max implementation, we can now compose all the building blocks together and return the desired answer 🌟.

const part1 = (input: string): number =>

Part 2

To solve part two, we are required to add ourselves to the seating arrangement, with neutral (0) happiness scores for all family members. Once added, we are required to determine what the new optimal seating arrangement happiness score will be. We can solve this in a similar manner to how we did for part one 🌟.

const part2 = (input: string): number => {
  const { family, relationships } = parseFamilyRelationships(input);

  const scores = calcSeatingHappiness({
    relationships: [].reduce(
      (relationships, member) =>
        relationships.set(`Me,${member}`, 0).set(`${member},Me`, 0),
    family: family.add('Me'),

  return max(scores);