Advent of Code 2016 - Day 10 - Balance Bots

On the tenth day of Advent of Code 2016, we come across a factory in which many robots are zooming around, handing small microchips to each other.

Upon entry into the factory, we notice that each bot only proceeds when it has two microchips. Once it does, it gives each one to a different bot or puts it in a marked output bin. Sometimes, bots take microchips from input bins, too.

Part 1

We are supplied with the bot instructions as our input and are required to determine which numbered bot is responsible for comparing value-61 microchips with value-17 microchips. To begin, we will provide the functionality to parse the input (value) and bot/output allocation instructions.

def parse_values(instructions):
    return [(int(,
            for line in instructions
            if (val := re.match(r'value (\d+) goes to (bot \d+)', line))]

This allows us to return input (value) instructions as a tuple, containing the value and bot number to which it should be supplied.

def parse_allocations(instructions):
    return [alloc.groups()
            for line in instructions
            if (alloc := re.match(r'(bot \d+) gives low to (\w+ \d+) and high to (\w+ \d+)', line))]

This allows us to return high/low value allocations as a tuple, containing the sender bot and the high and low microchip recipients (either another bot or an output bin).

With the ability to now parse the instruction set into a form we can process, we can begin to model how we wish to handle each bot allocation. I initially modelled this as a queue, in which we processed each valid instruction and subsequent allocations until there were no more actions to take. This worked well. However, since the initial solution, I thought it would be interesting to explore taking advantage of partial function application instead.

def setup_bins(allocations):
    bins = collections.defaultdict(lambda: lambda x: x)

    def config_bot(low_recipient, high_recipient):
        def awaiting_first_chip(a):
            def awaiting_second_chip(b):
                l, h = sorted((a, b))
                bins[low_recipient] = bins[low_recipient](l)
                bins[high_recipient] = bins[high_recipient](h)
                return (l, h)
            return awaiting_second_chip
        return awaiting_first_chip

    for bot, low, high in allocations:
        bins[bot] = config_bot(low, high)

    return bins

To simplify the design, we store both outputs and bots in the same dictionary called bins. Each entry consists of a single-arity function, which either returns a value (when the bot has performed its allocation) or a subsequent single-arity function that needs to be applied in a later action. We use Python’s default dictionary capabilities to return an identity function for non-existent keys, ensuring uniform application of output bin allocations. All bot allocation instructions are translated into configured bots within the dictionary, which is then returned to the caller.

From here, we are then able to set up the bins and provide all the initial value instructions to the bots. Subsequently, all the bot allocation functions will be applied as specified, resulting in a final bin representation. This final bin representation can then be inspected to determine which bot compares bot-17 and bot-61’s microchips 🌟.

def part1(input):
    instructions = input.splitlines()
    bins = setup_bins(parse_allocations(instructions))

    for val, bot in parse_values(instructions):
        bins[bot] = bins[bot](val)

    return next(bot for bot, allocated in bins.items() if allocated == (17, 61))

Part 2

For part two, we are required to multiply together the values of one chip in each of outputs 0, 1, and 2. This can be achieved using the same initial process as in part one, except now we inspect the bins for the resulting output N values. These values are then multiplied, leading to our answer 🌟.

def part2(input):
    instructions = input.splitlines()
    bins = setup_bins(parse_allocations(instructions))

    for val, bot in parse_values(instructions):
        bins[bot] = bins[bot](val)

    return['output {}'.format(i)] for i in range(3))