Checking for Balanced Parentheses in Clojure
This lunchtime I decided to implement a solution to the balanced parentheses (brackets) problem in Clojure.
Looking at the code below you can see that I took advantage of the cond
macro to more clearly express the recursive algorithms intent.
I have also provided a couple of test assertions which are stored in the vars metadata and called using the core libraries test
(defn balanced?
{:test #(do
(assert (true? (balanced? "(hello(world))")))
(assert (false? (balanced? "he)llo()world"))))}
([expr] (balanced? (clojure.string/split expr #"") 0))
([[x & xs] count]
(cond (neg? count) false
(nil? x) (zero? count)
(= x "(") (recur xs (inc count))
(= x ")") (recur xs (dec count))
:else (recur xs count))))
(test #'balanced?) ; :ok