Decimal to Hexadecimal using Bitwise, Bit Shift Operations in Java

I recently wanted to create a simple function in JavaScript which allowed me to generate a random background colour for a small experiment I was working on. The implementation I came up with worked very well, but the decimal-hexadecimal representation conversion was all wrapped up in one toString(16) function call. I was very interested in creating this method myself, and I decided to use the Java language for the attempt. The discussed functionality is already present in the Java language, within the java.lang.Integer class, as toHexString.

Hexadecimal uses a positional base-16 system, where each digit can represent four binary digits (bits). Taking a look at the documentation, you will see that a Java integer is able to hold a 32-bit signed, two’s complement value between -2^31 and 2^31-1. These observations allow us to deduce that the smallest and largest integer values can be represented using a maximum of eight hexadecimal digits. The two’s complement representation is a widely used scheme in computing, using the most significant bit to determine if the value is negative. To convert a negative number to and from a two’s complement representation, a simple inversion of each binary bit followed by an addition of one is required. With this knowledge, we can now implement the solution shown below.

Decimal to Hexadecimal

public static String toHexString(int decimal)
    String codes = "0123456789ABCDEF";

    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(8);


    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
        builder.setCharAt(i, codes.charAt(decimal & 0xF));
        decimal >>= 4;

    return builder.toString();

In the above implementation, I first create a StringBuilder instance with an initial capacity of 8 (instead of the default 16). I then subsequently set the current length of the instance to 8, which pads the string with null values (’\u0000’). Once this is complete, I loop over the builder instance starting with the rightmost character, the lowest position in a positional numeral system. Within the loop, I use a bitwise ‘AND’ mask which returns the current lowest positioned 4 bits from the subject integer. I could alternatively have used the decimal ‘15’, or the bitwise representation ‘0b1111’. A value between 0 and 15 is returned from the operation, which is then used to look up the corresponding character in the ‘codes’ string and set it in the builder instance. To complete a full iteration of the loop, I perform a signed right shift on the subject integer, shifting the pattern 4 bits to the right to process the next position. Finally, once the loop has finished, I return the string representation of the builder instance.

Example Usage

int min = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // -2147483648
int max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // 2147483647

String minHex = toHexString(min); // 80000000
String maxHex = toHexString(max); // 7FFFFFFF

    "valid: min %c, max %c",
    (min == (int) Long.parseLong(minHex, 16) ? '\u2714' : '\u2717'),
    (max == Integer.parseInt(maxHex, 16) ? '\u2714' : '\u2717')
); // valid: min ✔, max ✔

The above examples show the solution being used to represent the minimum and maximum possible integer values. One issue that did arise was when converting the minimum value back to a decimal representation. I was required to perform a perplexing parse as a long, and then cast it back down to the desired integer. This is because Java parses integers as signed values, so inserting anything higher than 0x7FFFFFFF will throw an error. If you parse it as a long, however, the value will still be signed but the cast will overflow the integer back to its correct value.

Random Web Colours

Now, back to the reason why I wanted to convert decimal representations into hexadecimal in the first place. Web colours are represented by a six-digit hex triplet. Each pair of digits represents the red, green and blue components of the colour. With this knowledge, we simply need to generate a random number between 0 (0x000000) and 16777215 (0xFFFFFF), inclusive. We can then convert this decimal representation into hexadecimal using our built implementation. There are two important points to note about the code below. Firstly, the first two characters of the string returned are removed. This is because hex triplets only use six positions, which means the most significant two are not required. Additionally, Java’s nextInt method is inclusive of 0 and exclusive of the provided maximum value, so we must add one to the desired range to obtain the correct result.

public static String randomWebColour()
    return "#" + toHexString(new java.util.Random().nextInt(16777216)).substring(2);
