Mergesort in Clojure using Post Conditionals
Whilst currently reading through The Joy of Clojure book I was introduced to the concept of pre and post-conditionals, similar to another language I have heard about called Eiffel. To experiment with this feature I decided to create a simple merge-sort algorithm implementation which provided the post invariant that its returned values were sorted by the provided predicate.
(defn sorted? [pred? col]
(every? #(apply pred? %) (partition 2 1 col)))
(defn merge
([pred? left right]
{:post [(sorted? pred? %)]}
(loop [[l & lr :as ls] left [r & rr :as rs] right acc []]
(if (and l r)
(if (pred? l r)
(recur lr rs (conj acc l))
(recur ls rr (conj acc r)))
(concat acc ls rs)))))
(defn half [col]
(split-at (/ (count col) 2) col))
(defn merge-sort
([col] (merge-sort < col))
([pred? col]
{:post [(sorted? pred? %)]}
(if (< (count col) 2)
(let [[left right] (half col)]
(merge pred? (merge-sort pred? left) (merge-sort pred? right))))))
I really liked the manner in which I could use the ‘partition’ function to succinctly map the task of splitting on each co-located pair of values within a collection in code. We are able to then put this implementation into practice by optionally providing a predicate (else defaulting to ascending order).
(def numbers (shuffle (range 1 11))) ; [1 9 7 2 10 3 6 5 4 8]
(merge-sort numbers) ; (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
(merge-sort > numbers) ; (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)