Using Iterative deepening depth-first search in Python
Iterative deepening depth-first search (IDDFS) is an extension to the ‘vanilla’ depth-first search algorithm, with an added constraint on the total depth explored per iteration. It produces equivalent results to those achieved using breadth-first search, without incurring the large memory costs. Due to breadth-first search storing fringe vertices in memory, O(b^d) memory space may be required (where b is the branching factor). This is in stark contrast to IDDFS’s worst-case memory requirements of O(bd). At each iteration, vertex successors at the depth-cap level are ignored. If the goal has not been found, the maximum level is increased by one and the process repeated. Similarly to breadth-first search, it guarantees finding an optimal path between two vertices, as the shallowest goal vertex is reached first due to the depth cap, resulting in no exploration of subsequent, unnecessary branches.
n-Puzzle example
Within the field of artificial intelligence, the sliding puzzle problem is an excellent way to explore the effectiveness of different search algorithms. Consisting of a superficial border with symbolised tiles in a random order and one tile missing, the objective is to rearrange the puzzle into a goal state (typically in natural order) in the least number of moves. The border must be taken into consideration with each move, with only a maximum of four possible legal moves available (up, down, left and right).
Below is an example of the IDDFS algorithm implemented to help solve the discussed puzzle problem.
Requiring the user to specify a get_moves
function enables the same implementation to be used for different puzzle problems.
def id_dfs(puzzle, goal, get_moves):
import itertools
def dfs(route, depth):
if depth == 0:
if route[-1] == goal:
return route
for move in get_moves(route[-1]):
if move not in route:
next_route = dfs(route + [move], depth - 1)
if next_route:
return next_route
for depth in itertools.count():
route = dfs([puzzle], depth)
if route:
return route
Looking at the sample code above, you will notice the use of itertools
infinite counter (starting from zero).
The depth will continue to increment until a successful path is generated and returned.
Number Matrix
The first problem we will solve with the above implementation is the common 3x3 8-puzzle. Using the method below, we are able to generate the specified sized puzzle and goal matrices, which is useful for testing.
def num_matrix(rows, cols, steps=25):
import random
nums = list(range(1, rows * cols)) + [0]
goal = [nums[i:i+rows] for i in range(0, len(nums), rows)]
get_moves = num_moves(rows, cols)
puzzle = goal
for steps in range(steps):
puzzle = random.choice(get_moves(puzzle))
return puzzle, goal
To ensure that the algorithm checks only for legal moves in our problem domain, the function below has been created.
It returns a partially-applied get_moves
method, based on the grid size and discussed constraints.
def num_moves(rows, cols):
def get_moves(subject):
moves = []
zrow, zcol = next((r, c)
for r, l in enumerate(subject)
for c, v in enumerate(l) if v == 0)
def swap(row, col):
import copy
s = copy.deepcopy(subject)
s[zrow][zcol], s[row][col] = s[row][col], s[zrow][zcol]
return s
# north
if zrow > 0:
moves.append(swap(zrow - 1, zcol))
# east
if zcol < cols - 1:
moves.append(swap(zrow, zcol + 1))
# south
if zrow < rows - 1:
moves.append(swap(zrow + 1, zcol))
# west
if zcol > 0:
moves.append(swap(zrow, zcol - 1))
return moves
return get_moves
We can now use all three of these functions to solve and return the optimal path to a contrived puzzle and goal state.
puzzle, goal = num_matrix(3, 3) # ([[1, 5, 2], [4, 8, 0], [7, 6, 3]], [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 0]])
solution = id_dfs(puzzle, goal, num_moves(3, 3))
len(solution) # 8
String Matrix
Now that we are confident that the implementation is working correctly, we can move on to creating a solution to the string matrix problem. Similar to the problem above, we retain the border property; however, this time we add the requirement to store and compare the subject paths in string format (as opposed to a multi-dimensional list). We first create a function which generates a contrived puzzle and goal state for us to solve.
def str_matrix(rows, cols, steps=25):
import random, string
goal = string.ascii_lowercase[:rows * cols - 1] + '*'
get_moves = str_moves(rows, cols)
puzzle = goal
for steps in range(steps):
puzzle = random.choice(get_moves(puzzle))
return puzzle, goal
With this function in place, we then provide the ability to return valid present moves, based on a subject position.
def str_moves(rows, cols):
def get_moves(subject):
moves = []
zero = subject.index('*')
zrow = zero // cols
zcol = zero % cols
def swap(idx):
s = list(subject)
s[zero], s[idx] = s[idx], s[zero]
return ''.join(s)
# north
if zrow > 0:
moves.append(swap(zero - cols))
# east
if zcol < cols - 1:
moves.append(swap(zero + 1))
# south
if zrow < rows - 1:
moves.append(swap(zero + cols))
# west
if zcol > 0:
moves.append(swap(zero - 1))
return moves
return get_moves
Finally, we produce a similar example to the number matrix example to see the solution in action.
puzzle, goal = str_matrix(3, 3) # (aebhg*dfc, abcdefgh*)
solution = id_dfs(puzzle, goal, str_moves(3, 3))
len(solution) # 12