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  • Everything is an expression.
  • Everything is an function (mostly).
  • Semicolons are optional.
  • Block expressions implicitly return the last statement as their result, unless an explicit return is used.

There is a write-up detailing the design decisions that went into creating the language.



Represents Integer values, stored as a 64-bit signed number.

let int = 1;
let int_with_underscores = 1_000_000;


Represents Decimal values, stored as a 64-bit floating point number (the binary64 type defined in IEEE 754-2008).

let dec = 1.5;
let dec_with_underscores = 1_000_000.50;


Represents UTF-8 encoded character sequences, with the ability to escape newlines \n, tabs \t and quotes \".

let str = "Hello, world!";
let escaped_str = "\"Hello, world!\"\n";
let str_with_unicode = "❤🍕";


Exclusive Range

Lazily evaluates the Integer range from a given start value until (but not including) the end value. If the start value is greater than the end value then a -1 step is applied each iteration.

let asc_exc_range = 1..5;
let desc_exc_range = 2..-2;
let until = 5;
let exc_range_using_expr = (0 + 1)..until;

Inclusive Range

Lazily evaluates the Integer range from a given start value until (and including) the end value. If the start value is greater than the end value then a -1 step is applied each iteration.

let asc_inc_range = 1..=5;
let desc_inc_range = 2..=-2;
let to = 5;
let inc_range_using_expr = (0 + 1)..=to;

Unbounded Range

Lazily evaluates an infinite Integer range from a given start value, using +1 step each iteration.

let inf_range = 1..;
let neg_inf_range = -5..;


Collections are persistent data-structures, yielding new values upon mutation.


Represents a sequence of heterogeneous elements in insertion order.

let homogeneous_list = [1, 2, 3];
let heterogeneous_list = ["4", 5.0];
let list = [1, 2, 3];
list |> push(4); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
list; // [1, 2, 3]


Represents an unordered collection of unique heterogeneous elements.

let homogeneous_set = {1, 2, 2, 3}; // {1, 2, 3}
let heterogeneous_set = {"4", 5.0, "4"}; // {"4", 5.0}
let set = {1, 2, 3};
set |> push(4); // {1, 2, 3, 4};
set; // {1, 2, 3}

Most types can be stored within a Set, except for Lazy Sequences and Functions.

let set = {1, || 1}; // Error


Represents an unordered association between arbitrary keys and values.

let homogeneous_dict = #{"a": 1, "b": 2};
let heterogeneous_dict = #{[1]: 1.5, 2: true, homogeneous_dict};
let dictionary = #{"a": 1};
dictionary |> assoc("a", 2); // #{"a": 2}
dictionary; // #{"a": 1}

Most types can be used as Dictionary keys, except for Lazy Sequences and Functions.

let attempted_key = || 1;
let dictionary = #{attempted_key: "one"}; // Error

Lazy Sequence

The language supports the concept of Lazy Sequences, which among other benefits, unlock the ability to produce infinite sequences. Both bounded (inclusive, exclusive) and unbounded (infinite) Ranges are examples of an Lazy Sequence. Functions (such as filter and map) are applied only when required, in the example below when we invoke take.

1.. |> filter(|n| n % 2 == 0) |> take(5);

The sequence is an immutable definition of desired computation and can be shared.

let lazy_seq = zip(1.., 2..) |> map(|[x, y]| x * y);
  lazy_seq |> skip(5) |> first,
  lazy_seq |> first

Their are several other means of generating a Lazy Sequence:

Iterate takes a pure function and applies the previous result (starting with an initial value) upon each iteration.

iterate(|[a, b]| [b, a + b], [0, 1]) |> find(|[a]| a > 10);

Cycle iterates through a List indefinitely, looping back to the start once exhausted.

cycle([1, 2, 3]) |> skip(1) |> take(3);

Repeat iterates over the same value indefinitely.

repeat("a") |> take(3);

Truthy Semantics

Values can be evaluated to a Boolean within predicate expressions using the truthy semantic rules below:

Type True
Integer Not 0
Decimal Not 0.0
String Not empty
List Not empty
Set Not empty
Dictionary Not empty
Lazy Sequence Always
Function Always


Variables are declared using let-binding syntax, with names conforming to [a-Z][a-Z0-9_?]+. Bindings are immutable by-default, and can not be reassigned after declaration.

let x = 1;
x = 2; // Variable 'x' is not mutable

Variables can be made mutable using the mut keyword, allowing for the binding to be reassigned after declaration.

let mut x = 1;
x = 2;


List collection values can be destructed into desired let-bindings. The _ placeholder symbol is used to denote an ignored positional binding. The .. rest symbol is used to collect all the remaining elements into a single List let-binding.

let [x, y, _, ..z] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
[x, y, z];

Similar to previous let-bindings, these are immutable by-default. Destructed bindings can be made mutable using the mut keyword.

let mut [x, y] = [1, 2];
x = 2;


Expected arthritic operations on Integer and Decimal values are available, along with intuitive behaviour on other types.

1 + 1; // 2
1 + 2.5; // 3
1.5 + 3.25; // 4.75
1.5 + 1; // 2.5
"a" + "b"; // "ab"
[1] + [2, 3]; // [1, 2, 3]
{1} + {1, 2}; // {1, 2}
#{1: "one"} + #{2: "two"}; // #{1: "one", 2: "two}
2 - 1; // 1
2 - 1.5; // 1
1.5 - 1.25; // 0.25
1.5 - 1; // 0.50
{1, 2} - {1}; // {2}
2 * 2; // 4
2.2 * 2; // 4.4
"a" * 3; // "aaa"
["a"] * 2; // ["a", "a"]
5 / 2; // 2
5 / 2.25; // 2
5.0 / 2; // 2.5
5.0 / 2.25; // 2.22

Logical OR and AND operations are supported for all values. Non-Boolean values are evaluated based on truthy value semantics.

true || false;
1 || 0;
true && true;
[1] && {1};

Intuitive equality operations are support for all values.

1 == 1;
1.5 == 1.5;
"a" == "a";
true == true;
[1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3];
{1, 2, 3} == {1, 2, 3};
#{"a": 1} == #{"a": 1};
1 != 2;
1.5 != 2.0;
"a" != "b";
true != false;
[1, 2, 3] != [1, 2, 3, 4]
{1, 2, 3} != {1, 2, 3, 4};
#{"a": 1} != #{"b": 2};



List indexing is zero-based, with the ability to index from the start (positive index) and end (negative index) of a sequence. If an element is not found at the given index nil is returned.

let list = [1, 2, 3, 4];

list[0]; // 1
list[-1]; // 4
list[4]; // nil
list[-5]; // nil

List slices can be achieved by-way of inclusive/exclusive range indexing.

let list = [1, 2, 3, 4];

list[1..2]; // [2]
list[1..=2]; // [2, 3]
list[1..=-1]; // [2, 1, 4]


Dictionary values can be found via their associated key. If a Dictionary key is not present within the collection nil is returned.

let dictionary = #{"a": 1, "b": 2};

dictionary["a"]; // 1
dictionary["c"]; // nil


String indexing follows much of the same semantics as List indexing, with elements instead being UTF-8 characters. The returned element is the single UTF-8 character as represented as a String.

let str = "hello";

str[0]; // "h"
str[-1]; // "o"
str[5]; // nil
str[-6]; // nil

String slices can be achieved by-way of inclusive/exclusive range indexing.

let str = "hello";

str[1..2]; // "e"
str[1..=2]; // "el"
str[1..=-1]; // "eho"

Control Structures


This expression provides a means of performing conditional logic. The supplied predicate expressions is evaluated using truthy value semantics. The expression always returns a value; with nil being returned in the case of the alternative branch not being specified and condition not passing. Following block expression semantics found elsewhere in the language, unless explicitly stated (via the return keyword) the last statement is implicitly returned as the result.

Expression without an alternative else branch.

if 5 < 10 { 1 } // 1
if 10 < 5 { 1 } // nil

Expression with both a consequence and alternative else branch.

if 10 < 5 { 1 } else { 2 }

Let-bindings can be declared within the predicate expressions. If the binding is truthy then the variables is bound and available with the consequence branch.

if let x = 10 { x } else { 20 }


If you wish to return early from a block expression this can be achieved using the return keyword.

let ten = |x| {
  if x > 10 {
    return "> 10"
  return "< 10"


If you wish to break early from a builtin looping construct (i.e fold, reduce, each) this can be achieved with the break keyword. In the example below the reduction will be terminated prematurely and the break value will be returned.

0.. |> reduce |acc, value| {
  if value == 10 {
    break acc
  } else {
    acc + value


The match expression allows you to perform pattern matching on a given subject. If no match is found nil is returned as the expression result.

Primitive type values can be matched based on equality rules.

let fibonacci = |n| match n {
  0 { 0 }
  1 { 1 }
  n { fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2) }

List patterns can be matched upon and destructed into let-bindings.

let map = |fn, list| match list {
  [] { [] }
  [head] { [fn(head)] }
  [head, ..tail] { [fn(head),, tail)] }
map(_ + 1, [1, 2, 3]);

Values within Integer ranges can be matched upon.

let number = |n| match n {
  0..5 { "< 5" },
  5..=6 { "5 or 6" }
  7.. { ">= 7" }

An optional predicate expression guard can be defined based on a matched pattern.

let filter = |fn, list| match list {
  [] { [] }
  [head] if fn(head) { [head] }
  [head, ..tail] if fn(head) { [head, ..filter(fn, tail)] }
  [_, ..tail] { filter(fn, tail) }
filter(_ != 2, [1, 2, 3]);


The language has the concept of sections which allow for the definition of named (labeled) expressions. This construct is not explicitly accessible by the program itself, but instead used within the AoC Runner and runtimes to provide a domain-specific structure.

An example use-case of this functionality is detailed below, in the form of a AoC solution of which the Runner will process:

part_one: {
  2 + 2

test: {
  part_one: 2


Defining functions (closures) within the language is intentionally very easy and syntactically cheap to do.

The most basic means of creating a function is to define one using the pipe syntax.

let inc = |x| { x + 1 };

In the event of a single-line block expression, the brackets can be omitted.

let inc = |x| x + 1;

Additionally you can partially apply an existing function, which in-turn will create a new function with the remaining parameter arity.

let inc = +(1);

This also highlights use of operators being passed around as first-class functions.

The placeholder _ symbol can also be used to positional omit parameters in which you wish to leave open for the newly created function.

let minus = -;
let dec = minus(_, 1);

Alternatively binary functions (functions which take two arguments) can be more succinctly written using the following placeholder syntax, borrowed from Scala.

let inc = 1 + _;
let dec = _ - 1;
inc(1) == dec(3);

All functions which are declared are Closures, and have access to their outer scope variables.

let fibonacci_seq = || {
  let mut [a, b] = [0, 1];
  || {
    let aa = a;
    a = b; b = aa + b;

Function arguments can be spread from a List, as well as parameters be collected rest into a List.

let max = |..xs| xs |> sort(<) |> first;
max(..[1, 2, 3]);


Recursive function invocation is supported.

let factorial = |n| if n == 0 { 1 } else { n * factorial(n - 1) };

Along with Tail-call optimization. To avoid exhausting the call stack, the above factorial function can be rewritten in a tail-recursive form. In this case the runtime will reuse the function call stack frame upon each iteration.

let factorial = |n| {
  let recur = |acc, n| {
    if n == 0 { acc } else { recur(acc * n, n - 1) }
  recur(1, n);


Functions can be composed together using the >> syntax.

let inc_dbl = _ + 1 >> |x| x * x;
let parse = lines >> map(split(",") >> map(int));

This is syntactic sugar on top of the following expression.

let parse = |x| {
  map(|line| map(int, split(",", line)), lines(x));


The language leans heavily on functions, and so as to improve readability invocation can be threaded using the |> syntax.

1..5 |> map(_ + 1) |> reduce(+);

This is syntactic sugar on top of the following expression.

reduce(+, map(_ + 1, 1..5));

Trailing Lambda

If the last parameter of a function is a function, then a lambda expression passed as the corresponding argument can be placed outside the parentheses. Inspired by Kotlin, this improves readability and enables rich DSLs to be built on-top of language constructs.

let mut acc = 1;
[1, 2, 3] |> each |x| {
  acc = acc + x * x;
[1, 2, 3] |> fold(1) |acc, x| {
  acc + x * x;

This is syntactic sugar on top of the following expressions.

let mut acc = 1;
each(|x| { acc = acc + x * x; }, [1, 2, 3]);
fold(1, |acc, x| acc + x * x, [1, 2, 3]);

Infix invocation

Functions which accept two arguments (binary) can be called within the infix position like so:

[1, 2, 3] `includes?` 3;

This is syntactic sugar on top of the following expression.

includes?([1, 2, 3], 3);


Referential transparent function calls can be memoized using the built-in higher-order function.

let fibonacci = memoize |n| {
  if (n > 1) {
    fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
  } else {

This highlights the use of the trailing lambda syntax to produce a rich DSL which looks like a language construct.


There is a suite of builtin functions which help solve many different class of problem.


The evaluator has the ability to supply external functions to the execution environment which are defined by the delivery runtime. This provides an extensible means of including runtime specific behaviour to the user. It is advised to review your desired runtimes documentation to see what external functions are available.